The Bar Council Malaysian International Mediation Centre (“MIMC”) operates the following scheme for the accreditation and empanelment of mediators.
1. Accredited Mediator
1.1          An accredited mediator in relation to MIMC, means a person who has met the MIMC’s criteria for accreditation as per Section 4.1 below. 
2. Empaneled Mediator
2.1          A person who meets the MIMC’s criteria for empanelment as per Section 5.1 below shall be placed on the MIMC’s panel of mediators, subject to the mediator’s compliance with Sections 5.2 until 5.5 below.
3. Prescribed Level of Competence for Accreditation
3.1          MIMC accreditation will be accorded to persons who demonstrate that they have achieved and maintain the prescribed level of competence in the mediation process.
4. Criteria for recognition as an Accredited Mediator  
4.1          Subject to any express exemptions or conditions which may be provided by the MIMC, the criteria for MIMC accreditation are the completion of a mediation workshop equivalent to fifty-six (56) hours conducted by MIMC, comprising:-
(i) a two (2) day Introduction to Mediation Course; and
(ii) a five (5) day Advanced Mediation Skills Training Course;
approved by MIMC as providing an adequate standard of training for mediation in respect of which accreditation is sought, and the satisfactory completion of an assessment which will require participation of the candidate in a simulated mediation role play during the five (5) day Advanced Mediation Skills Training Course, during which the person shall be observed and/or assessed by one or more assessors approved and appointed by the MIMC.
5. Criteria for recognition as an Empaneled Mediator and rules applicable 
5.1          The criteria for empanelment with the MIMC are as follows:
(a) that the candidate is a Mediator accredited by the MIMC; and
(b) that within three (3) years prior to the candidate applying for empanelment with the MIMC, the candidate has to either:-
(i) have conducted at least two (2) mediations as sole mediator or as a co mediator, or
(ii) attended the one (1) day MIMC Refresher Course conducted by the MIMC; or
(iii) attended and/or completed a mediation training, mediation course, or delivered a talk or paper on mediation on any topic related to mediation and/or attended or participated in any mediation conference/workshop approved by the MIMC; or
(iv) assisted MIMC as a trainer, coach or assessor for a minimum of forty-five (45) hours in any of the training courses of the MIMC.
(c) (i) the candidate has completed a mediation course conducted by other organisations which are approved and recognised by the MIMC; and
(iii) has attended an interview by the appointed representatives and/or assessors of the MIMC; and
(iii) if required, has been satisfactorily assessed in a simulated role play of not less than 1.5 hours, during which the candidate will be observed and/or assessed by two or more assessors approved and appointed by the MIMC.
(d) (i) the candidate is invited to join the MIMC on the recommendation of the Bar Council; and
(ii) has attended an interview by the appointed representatives and/or assessors of the MIMC; and
(iii) if required, has been satisfactorily assessed in a simulated role play of not less than 1.5 hours, during which the candidate will be observed and/or assessed by two or more assessors approved and appointed by the MIMC.
5.2          Subject to Section 8 below, the empanelment of a mediator shall be valid for three (3) years and such empanelment may be renewed for a subsequent period of three (3) years subject to the requirements of Clause 5.4 below.
5.3          Applications for empanelment must be made in writing to MIMC together with a payment of a non-refundable fee of:-
a) RM 500.00 for Members of the Malaysian Bar holding a valid Practising Certificate; or
b) RM 1,000.00 for non-Members of the Malaysian Bar.
5.4          Mediators empanelled by the MIMC shall be required to pay an empanelment fee determined by the MIMC, from time to time, where the failure to pay the empanelment fee within thirty (30) days after the due date or such extended period as may be notified to the mediator, shall result in the lapsing of the Mediator’s empanelment with the MIMC.
5.5          During the period of their empanelment with the MIMC, for the purposes of the MIMC’s statistics, all empaneled Mediators shall be required to submit an annual report to briefly describe matters which they have mediated to the MIMC at the end of each calendar year.
6. Liability (Indemnity) Insurance 
6.1          All candidates, at the time of their applying for the status of an accredited and or empaneled mediator (collectively “Mediator”)  at the time of renewal of their empanelment, are encouraged to be ensure that they are insured under the Malaysian Bar professional indemnity insurance or any other professional indemnity insurance policy.
7. Discretionary Power
7.1          Notwithstanding anything set out above, the Bar Council may in its sole discretion waive all or any of the above requirements and increase or decrease any of the time limits under its accreditation and empanelment scheme.
8. Cancellation of Accreditation and Empanelment
8.1          MIMC may cancel the accreditation and/or empanelment of a Mediator if any of the requirements are not met or for a breach of ethical standards provided that the accredited and/or empaneled mediator may re-apply for accreditation and/or empanelment upon demonstrating compliance with the requirements.
8.2          Any Mediator dissatisfied with the MIMC’s cancellation of his/her accreditation and/or empanelment may apply to the Bar Council for a review of the MIMC’s action/decision on the matter.
8.3          In the event of uncertainty under these Rules, the Bar Council’s decision on the matter shall final and binding on all parties.
Bar Council Malaysian International Mediation Centre
Revised on January 2025